SAP C_FIORD_2404 Exam - Free questions
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SAP Fiori Application Developer
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C_FIORD_2404 Free Questions:
Below you can find SAP Fiori Application Developer exam free sample questions which will help you to prepare for your upcoming SAP certification exam. These questions will give you an idea of what to expect on the exam and help you review the C_FIORD_2404 study material provided in SAP Learning hub. However we recommend that you enrol in premium SAP C_FIORD_2404 questions which will guarantee you to pass your exam.
These C_FIORD_2404 questions are updated frequently, so you can be confident that you're studying with the most up-to-date information available. ExamStudyZone also provides answer keys so that students can check whether their answers are correct or not.
Additionally, going through SAP Fiori Application Developer practice questions can help you identify any areas where you need more review. Taking advantage of our C_FIORD_2404 demo questions is a great way to set yourself up for success on the real exam.
Question No. 1) In the screenshot, which element of the Arrange-Act-Assert pattern corresponds to the Act in a QUnit test?

A) QUnit.module
C) eardown : function() {}
D) QUnit.test
Question No. 2) What are the advantages of the Sinon.JS framework? (2 correct)
A) It enables test-driven development.
B) It supports only synchronous requests.
C) It supplies higher level test doubles for timers and AJAX requests.
D) It provides support for spies, stubs and mocks.
Question No. 3) Which of the following can you use to extend an SAP Fiori Elements application?(2 correct)
A) App extension
B) Adaption extensions
C) ABAP extension
D) CDS extension
Question No. 4) What does coherence refer to in the SAP Fiori design principles? (2 correct)
A) A consistent interaction and visual design language
B) Design for business users needs and their work
C) Solves multiple use cases
D) The same intuitive experience across the whole enterprise
Question No. 5) You need to bind data from a model to an SAPUI5 view control. Which of the following modes are valid? (3 correct)
A) One-time binding
B) Three-way binding
C) Resource-model binding
D) Two-way binding
E) One-way binding
Question No. 6) You finalized your SAPUI5 app development in the SAP Web IDE. What are the platforms available for deployment? (2 correct)
A) Deploy to SAP Fiori launchpad
B) Deploy to SAP Cloud Platform
C) Deploy to SAPUI5 Java Repository
D) Deploy to SAPUI5 ABAP Repository
Question No. 7) Which information is included in the SAPUI5 app's manifest.json file? (3 correct)
A) SAPUI5 dependencies
B) Client side data-models
C) Referenced data sources
D) Localization keys
E) App ID, Name, and Version
Question No. 8) You want to use transaction /UIZ/FLP to start the SAP Fiori Launchpad using the Web Dispatcher. Which database table do you use to configure this?
Question No. 9) SAP Fiori Elements utilizes a metadata-driven approach for SAP Fiori app development. What are the implications of this?
A) SAPUI5 Smart Controls must be created by developers to utilize the OData annotations and metadata of SAP Fiori Elements templates.
B) The SAPUI5 runtime interprets metadata and annotations of the OData service and uses the corresponding views for the Fiori app at startup.
C) Smart Templates must be used by the developer to consume OData annotations and metadata so the SAPUI5 runtime can use the corresponding view.
D) App developers must use JavaScript to allow their applications to read OData annotations and metadata
Question No. 10) You perform a QUnit test with the following syntactical options. Which call returns true when you execute it?
A) Assert.strictEqual(0,””,”true”);
B) Assert.strictEqual(0,null,”true”);
C) Assert.strictEqual(0,-0,”true”);
D) Assert.strictEqual(0,”0”,”true”);
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C_FIORD_2404 Exam Answers