SAP C_S4CDK_2023 Exam - Free questions
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SAP Cloud SDK Extensibility Developer
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C_S4CDK_2023 Free Questions:
Below you can find SAP Cloud SDK Extensibility Developer exam free sample questions which will help you to prepare for your upcoming SAP certification exam. These questions will give you an idea of what to expect on the exam and help you review the C_S4CDK_2023 study material provided in SAP Learning hub. However we recommend that you enrol in premium SAP C_S4CDK_2023 questions which will guarantee you to pass your exam.
These C_S4CDK_2023 questions are updated frequently, so you can be confident that you're studying with the most up-to-date information available. ExamStudyZone also provides answer keys so that students can check whether their answers are correct or not.
Additionally, going through SAP Cloud SDK Extensibility Developer practice questions can help you identify any areas where you need more review. Taking advantage of our C_S4CDK_2023 demo questions is a great way to set yourself up for success on the real exam.
Question No. 1) On what should an UI be built to be adaptable?
A) SAPUI5 flexibility services
B) Custom Field and Logic Enablement Code
C) SAP Digital Core Extension Services
D) ABAP Core Data Services
Question No. 2) Why does the SAP Cloud SDK Pipeline run the npm install command?
A) Because it compiles and runs the tests in your backend Java application.
B) Because it builds the back-end Java application as defined in the pom.xml file.
C) Because it downloads front-end dependencies as defined in the project.json file.
D) Because it creates the project.json file in your JavaScript project.
Question No. 3) Why is the Continuous Delivery Toolkit future proof?
A) Isolation of the builds
B) A project generated through the provided archetypes already includes a Jenkins file which loads the CI/CD pipeline automatically.
C) The code of the pipeline, the lifecycle management script, and the required docker images can be updated easily
D) Having a local download cache
E) Pipelines running everything in parallel, so given enough computing resources, builds run fast.
Question No. 4) What features are supported by custom CDS Views and can be managed via the "Custom CDS View" application? (3 Correct)
A) Define output parameters
B) Define calculated elements
C) Define SOAP APIs
D) Define input parameters
E) Join multiple associated data sources
Question No. 5) Which of the following is a key component that issues and authenticates access tokens to client applications that request access to users's data?
A) Application's OAuth2 client
B) Application resource server
C) Corporate identity provider
D) Application's OAuth2 authorization server
Question No. 6) Which of these are NOT fundamental design principles of SAP S/4HANA Cloud and SAP S/4HANA? (4 Correct)
A) Coupled Extensions
B) Automation and AI first
C) Out-of-the-box integration with other cloud solutions
D) Focus on monolithic architecture
E) Angular and GraphQL
F) Compatibility
Question No. 7) Which of these are not main use cases to be covered using side-by-side extensibility? (2 Correct)
A) You need to react to events triggered from a process
B) You need to change the lable of a field in an existing screen
C) You need to build an application to preprocess data before a process is triggered.
D) You need to retrieve data in a way the system doesn't offer out-of-the-box
Question No. 8) Which benefits do you have by using In-App Extensibility in SAP S/4HANA Cloud? (3 Correct)
A) They provide powerful key user tools.
B) They cover the last mile of adaptation.
C) They loosely couple custom adaptations.
D) They provide performance testing tools.
E) They enable microservice-based development.
Question No. 9) Customers can enable OData services for? (2 Correct)
A) Released CDS views (read)
B) Reports
C) Custom business objects (read/write)
D) Forms
E) Database Tables
Question No. 10) Which of these statements are essential aspects of multi-tenancy using SAP Cloud Platform? (3 Correct)
A) Due to the multi-tenancy concept of the connectivity service, requests are forwarded to the systems configured for each tenant without explicit handling by a developer
B) Due to the SDK extensions to the Hystrix framework, resilience logic and caching is handled separately for each tenant
C) Due to the multi-client nature of the application, it must be distributed to the customers' subaccounts simultaneously via the SAP Transport Management Service
D) The implemention of multi-tenancy depends on dispatching to the right client via SAP API Management
E) The implementation of tenant awareness is dependent on a persistence service provider
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C_S4CDK_2023 Exam Answers