SAP C_BYD15_1908 Exam - Free questions
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SAP Business ByDesign Implementation Consultant
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C_BYD15_1908 Free Questions:
Below you can find SAP Business ByDesign Implementation Consultant exam free sample questions which will help you to prepare for your upcoming SAP certification exam. These questions will give you an idea of what to expect on the exam and help you review the C_BYD15_1908 study material provided in SAP Learning hub. However we recommend that you enrol in premium SAP C_BYD15_1908 questions which will guarantee you to pass your exam.
These C_BYD15_1908 questions are updated frequently, so you can be confident that you're studying with the most up-to-date information available. ExamStudyZone also provides answer keys so that students can check whether their answers are correct or not.
Additionally, going through SAP Business ByDesign Implementation Consultant practice questions can help you identify any areas where you need more review. Taking advantage of our C_BYD15_1908 demo questions is a great way to set yourself up for success on the real exam.
Question No. 1) Which of the following "Common Tasks" create tasks in the Physical Inventory work center? (2 correct)
A) "New Product Count"
B) "New Logistics Area Count"
C) "Change of Stock'1
D) "New Inventory Adjustment"
Question No. 2) Which sales order characteristic determines whether you can use project invoicing?
A) The sales unit
B) The product
C) The bill-to party
D) The item type
Question No. 3) Which inventory valuation methods are supported in SAP Business ByDesign? (3 correct)
A) Standard cost
B) Moving average
C) Last in, first out
D) Actual costing
E) First in, first out
Question No. 4) In which of the following ways can SAP Business ByDesign help you find a solution or report an incident? (2 correct)
A) To better document an incident, users can add an attachment to provide more information.
B) Users can create an incident and send it directly to the SAP.
C) Users can search for a solution or report an incident from the screen on which the problem occurred.
D) In the incident creation process, the search option considers company specific content but no community content.
Question No. 5) Which of the following tasks can sales planning do? (3 correct)
A) Copy targets from MS Excel
B) Change aggregated plan data in MS Excel
C) Copy sales plans and adjusting them for the next planning period
D) Make the plan, forecast, and actual reports available as standard analytics content
E) Simulate target achievements based on last year's sales volume
Question No. 6) Which account assignments are possible when using the general ledger? (3 correct)
A) Business partners
B) G/L Account
C) Functional Area
D) Profit Center '
E) Fixed assets
Question No. 7) You change an active project baseline and save it. Then, the system creates a new baseline. What are the statuses of the previous baseline and new baseline?
A) Previous baseline: "active with pending changes" New baseline: "in planning"
B) Previous baseline: "obsolete" New baseline: "in planning"
C) Previous baseline: "obsolete" New baseline: "active"
D) Previous baseline: "active with pending changes" New baseline: "in approval"
Question No. 8) Which business scenario requires a manual time valuation correction run?
A) Transfer the employee to a new organizational unit with a transfer date that is in the past.
B) Change the business configuration for time accounts, or premium pay, to a date in the past.
C) Add a new time account to the employee's time file in the past.
D) Assign a new work schedule to an employee's time file to a date in the past.
Question No. 9) Which of the following are prerequisites for managing inventory at a location (for locations internally-managed only)? (3 correct)
A) Maintain a logistics model for the location.
B) Create a storage control profile.
C) Flag the location as 'Storage Location'.
D) Flag a logistics area as 'Inventory Managed'.
E) Create a location layout for the location.
Question No. 10) Two companies "A" and "B" are setup in organizational management. Which of the following options can you use as the account for the sales order in company "A", when selling goods to company "B"?
A) The site receiving the goods corresponding to company "B".
B) The partner company corresponding to company "B".
C) The business partner corresponding to company "B".
D) The organizational unit representing company "B".
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C_BYD15_1908 Exam Answers